This week I became someone else. Or so it seemed. Someone living in Florida called Amy Johnson hacked my FaceAche account and started pretending to be me. Many of us have been ‘hacked’ where others pass themselves off as ‘us’. But it’s good to remind ourselves that even though a hacker has falsely claimed to be us; in a way they’re correct….
If we’re to believe the far eastern philosophies on life, we’re all connected, we’re all co-creators and we all belong to each other. So someone taking on another’s identity doesn’t really matter (apart from fraud of course!) as in a way they are already that person! That’s why every little action we do matters. It might not seem it at the time, but as Mother Teresa once said, my action causes ripples on the cosmos that extend to the ends of the universe. What I do – or don’t do – affects all of humanity.
That’s why I’ve chosen this week’s special chillout as our weekly Mellow Moment. Read by the great Thich Nath Hanh and chanted by brother Phap Niem, it reminded me of the connectivity of all of nature with all of us. As we clog up the oceans with plastic and fill our skies with pollutants, we ultimately change the chemistry of our planet. It’s up to us to make a difference. One small step, every day…..