Mike’s Mellow Moment – 30 October 2016

British Summer Time has gone, back to Greenwich Mean Time.

Although the period ahead of us will be full of darker nights and shorter days, it will also bring us much colour, light and warmth with many winter festivities, roaring log fires, crisp, clear days and starry, mesmerising nights.

As we head into another month, change is as inevitable as the turn of the seasons. In TV soaps things are changing at a ridiculous pace. Always a murder here or a pillage there. Our every day lives also sees dramatic events from time to time but slowly, in the background, the clock is ticking and everything changes. We get older, the planet spins through space and friends come and go.

In this week’s dramatic Coronation Street (Emmerdale wasn’t far behind) there were many developments that changed everything. From that, comes this week’s Mellow Moments. A fabulous track and a though provoking video. As we head into our week ahead and a brand new month, maybe the words of Ghandi – as mentioned in the video – can resonate with us. By doing whatever we can, one moment at the time, we will see the change our planet needs by the time the next season appears on the horizon….

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

Business photograph designed by Creativeart – Freepik.com

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